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Sunday 26 October 2014 Social site to Earn and Learn


  tsū (‘Sue’)  is a new social payment site  similar to Facebook and twitter but here Tsu site which shares the revenue which its earned , tsu came up with new idea , from many days question remained when every year facebook reports billion dollar among intellectual users , why facebook only shares profit- when its earning from us ? specially when displaying ads and promotions displayed in our profile corners , here tsu ready to share its 90 % of revenue to its users only .

Why tsu ?

Tsu is the new site migrating from one social site to another site its really hard way , but tsu has giving an opportunity to learn the internet marketing and even worth of your time which you spend in the online , a real tech person when using other social sites he always thinks i am working for other development freely wasting time ,you may find lot advertisements and promotion of post, pages likes etc , what worth of it ? do you calculated at any point of time ? but the question never arises here , tsu site providing profit of  your work and time  , so in when you browsing tsu your mind works in 2 ways , so its learn to  earn .

   How was tsū (‘Sue’) compare to Facebook ? 

     In its first  format only come out with best among the best , its everything similar to facebook including theme , profile pic , cover pic , editing , nowere you feel you are out of Facebook or twitter  , but you may miss some stuffs like photos , videos and specially near ones , but you can migrate slowly , even you get more in tsu through analytics and your earnings in the format of E-bank and  through tsu you can post  your status and updates to all social accounts at once by linking account  ,so its more attractive .

   How to Earn in tsū (‘Sue’ ?

    May be its an important question for you  , answer was very simple invite , post photos , videos  , share build fans , followers , community  increase visits to your profile and analytics and start earnings , these things we all already done in previous social sites but even waited for likes and comments for our posts but in tsu for such things have great worth  , at least your friend to earn likes and comments on your worthy posts .   

   Your totally earning maintained like a bank account transactions in the the name electronic wallet , you have complete control over , tsu assured a best privacy policy in safeguarding your earnings .

    How much I can earn ?

        Tsū’s algorithm automatically tracks, measures, and distributes revenue to the appropriate user and their family tree. At a high level, 90% of revenues are distributed to users. To maintain the platform, tsū receives 10%. To see how this breaks down, let’s take a look at 4 users, all with varying start dates on tsū.

  User A invites user B, who invites user C, who invites user D

Part 1

- $100 of earned revenue is generated based on the content user D shared (photos, videos, status updates, etc.)

Part 2

- 90% of earned revenue go to the users. In this case, $90 of the $100 is shared with all the users. 
- tsū takes 10% of the $100 for platform fees. In this case $10.

Part 3

- User D, the original content creator takes 50% of the $90. In this case, $45.
- User C gets 33.3% (1/3) of the original $90 generated. In this case, $29.70
- User B gets 11.1% (1/3 of 1/3 = 1/9) of the original $90 generated. In this case $9.99
- User A gets 3.70% (1/3 of 1/3 of 1/3 = 1/27) of the original $90 generated. In this case $3.33
- This is what we call the rule of infinite thirds

If any query related to payments  you can mail here 

Whats the Minimum Payout ?

 Minimum payment currently 100$ through cheque and your payment can share with your friends and you should manage your seperate correct details in electronic wallet to redeem you earnings 

For more Info Click here 

 We can wind up just remembering a million site Orkut which remained history now , if outcome with success the billion site like facebook and twitter may lost in there status in social networking and user getting more benefits when comparing to existing site , so we can accept the tsu and start Journey .

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